What are your best you know you're obsessed with Twilight when moments? 10 points to THE MOST funny ones.?
You know you're obsessed with Twilight if...
You start going up to random people to tell them you want an Edward!
You think your next door neighbor looks like a vampire, or he really is a vampire.
You try to control your thoughts because Edward might hear them.
You've read Twilight and New Moon at least 5 times each!
You check on this site 5 times (or more) a day to see if there's any new Twilight news.
You think your best friend's crazy for not reading Twilight or New Moon.
You give your teachers Twilight and/or New Moon for Christmas.
When you see a box labeled "Forks" at a restaurant you think there's something imported from Forks, Washington in there.
Twilight has ruined any and all future reading for you.
You use Twilight for every single school project that pops up.
You break up with your boyfriend because he doesn't glitter in the sun like Edward does.
You watch the show Moonlight and imagine Beth as Bella and Mick as Edward.
Submitted by fans: You know you're obsessed with Twilight if...
You get so excited when you see somebody else reading it, you have to talk to them even if you don't know them
Almost every conversation you have with your friends leads back to the ever lasting Edward vs Jacob debate
You get so mad at Edward for not just changing her into a vampire already you slam the book shut and throw it on the ground
You then have to pick it up again seconds later, just to finish the epilogue
Your friend finally decided to read it, just so she could keep up with the conversations
Your guy friend hasn't read the books but has heard you talk about Edward Cullen so much, he despises him with a loathing passion that he brings up almost as much as you bring up the series
You got so mad when your mom's friend didn't return the book right away after you lent it to her, you had to go get it from the library
Your mom calls Edward Anthony and you wont speak to her for 3 days (actually true)
You have and entire notebook for the Twilight series (I have one, complete with playlist, quotes, fan art, and fan fiction)
You have categorized your friends into Twilight characters, replacing everyone but Edward (Face it: No one but Edward can be like Edward)
Your favorite font on your computer is Edwardian Script
You go to a relative’s house for the holidays, only to refuse to socialize until you have finished the book in the series you are on
You stop asking to go to the beach on vacation, and instead ask to visit Denli to look for Tanya and the Cullens
You ask your boyfriend to dye his hair “bronze”
When you get all freaked and worked up cause your substitutes name is Mrs. Cullen and wonder is she has a son or relative named Edward.
When you dec your myspace out in Twilight stuff and quotes!
Your parents make you angry by trying to change Edward's name to Eddy or the Edmister
Your science teacher knows your boyfriend is giving you Eclipse for your birthday
While waiting for your boyfriend to give you Eclipse for your birthday, you cheated and went to the school book fair multiple times to read it and got to page 147.
At the book fair your science teacher came up and said you couldn't just sit there reading the book, especially since you weren't supposed to have it yet, so you stood up and read it walking around instead.
In art class you are making wood sculptures and you make a mountain lion because of Edward
While making the sculpture, you talk the entire period using only quotes from Twilight
You keep a dry erase board in your room and have a daily quote from Twilight,New Moon, or Eclipse
You don't talk at lunch because you are too busy reading.
You are considering taking a picture of your friend's hair and sending it to the makers of the Twilight movie,saying that they should mimic it exactly for Edward's hair color.
You love Edward more than your boyfriend
The back of your notebook cover is absolutely covered in quotes from Twilight and you are upset because you cannot continue on the inside of the cover because the pencil won't show up
You no longer sleep on a normal pillow, but on one that has arms because it sort of feels like Edward holding you
You kiss a wall and pretend it is Edward.
On the back of your music for chorus, you create acrostic poems for Edward Cullen
Your friend (who hasn't read the books) knows enough about Edward that when you are stuck for the second "D" she gives you the word dangerous.
When your grandmother came to visit, you read her all of Twilight out loud in 6 days
When playing luck games or games with dice, before rolling or spinning you say " I am betting on Alice."
You have a eclipse poster, a flower a red ribbon, and a drawing of Edward and Bella taped to the side of your dresser.
You have smelled your copy of Eclipse and you think it smells good
You wore a tight fitting black turtleneck to school and when your friend asked why you were so happy and why you liked it so much you said it was because it made you feel "vampirey"
You and your friend fantasize about being vampires
While reading, you constantly look at your picture of Edward
When you are in your room, you wake up your computer so you can look at your wallpaper
When your boyfriend dumps you, you are okay with it because now you can focus on Edward
When your father asks you what you are doing when you go upstairs to read, you say you are "going to spend some time with Edward."
On the bus, you are known for being capable of reading 2 pages of Eclipse in 1 minute, then being able to complete the sentence off the pages.
It doesn't bother you in the slightest that on the bus everyone calls you the book freak. You are proud of the title
You doodle "I Love Edward" all over your hands and arms with sharpies not caring that when you write on your self you get ISS (in school suspension)
You won't let you own mother read the books, even though you keep talking about them to her.
Someone asks you what you want for Christmas and you reply, "Edward Cullen please!"
You're in the car and stare out the window looking for a silver Volvo or an old red truck (maybe even a yellow Porsche)
You're on a walk and you notice that your hands are kind of white and grin but when they return to regular color you feel like crying
You didn't talk to your mom for three days because she thought that the whole vampire thing was overdone
Your cousins get mad at you every time you see them because you won't stop talking about the Twilight series
Every night you wonder what Edward is doing and then get sad because you know that he is with Bella
Your friends get mad at you because you won't stop talking about the Twilight series when you're supposed to be working on a group project
You write Twilight quotes all over your math notebook
Your teacher yells at you for talking when you were discussing how hot Edward is with you friend who is also obsessed with The Twilight series
You describe Edward, Jasper, and Emmett to your cousins and ask them which one they would actually date ( I didn't tell them it was from Twilight though)
Your cousins ask you to describe what your 'dream date' looks like in you mind you describe Edward and then add that Edward isn't your dream date, he's your future husband
You and your also obsessed friend talk about how hot Edward is so much that a boy in your class hears and asks who Edward is and you reply "He's only the hottest man on earth" then add "Well, not exactly, but he is very close" trying not to say that Edward is a vampire.
You kiss the cover of your book copies and tell everyone that they are your bibles
You growl at anyone who touches your books
You talk to the books in attempt to get a response from Edward
You think about all the ways your boyfriend isn't like Edward and you get mad
You cry because you don't have an Edward in your life
Going to the bathroom for any reason is now called having a "human moment."
You're saving money so you can take all your friends to see the movie
You've named your puppy Isabella Rose
Your mom has to remind you that the book is fiction
You still think Twilight is real
You get into fist fights with your little brother over what a real vampire is
To make up to your brother you watch Vampire Secrets on the history channel and laugh at the company's stupidity
You plan on buying a motorcycle
You plan on going to Washington U
Your mom takes away your books
She grounds you from all things vampire
You just go borrow your friends
You recomend Twilight to the school librarian (Whom you babysit for) to get the books
You have full fledged conversations and arguments over the books with said libarayian
You let your Lit. teacher borrow your copy of Eclipse
Your classmates make fun of you and said teacher for being so obsessed
Everyone in school knows that you'll let them borrow your copy of the books
You got your Nana and Aunt hooked
You got your copy of Eclipse the day it came out
You clean off the chair in your bedroom so Edward can have a place to sit(it is a rocking chair so that kinda makes me wonder)
You refer to your friends as Alice, Jessica, etc.
Your friends refer to you as Bella
You get into arguments with a friend about whom is more Bella
You win the argument by saying that since you're a veggitarian you only have to right to be in love with other veggitarians
And since you are squimmish enought to puke at the sight of blood. are clumsy enough to somehow get your hair stuck in a window, and have brown hair instead of red you only fit the character perfectly
You make fun of people because they haven't read the book
You're driving around, distracted from thinking about Edward, run a red light and get side swiped.
What are your best you know you're obsessed with Twilight when moments? 10 points to THE MOST funny ones.?
Well, I was surfing the Twilight website the other night right before I went to bed, and I had a dream about Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen.
Unfortunately, I had done Driver's ed that day, and I dreamed that my dad ran over Edward. But he was ok, so it's all good. = )
Reply:You know you're obsessed with Twilight if:
1. You think your best friend's crazy for not reading Twilight.
2. You start going up to random people to tell them you want an Edward!
3. Your guy friend hasn't read the books but has heard you talk about Edward Cullen so much, he despises him with a loathing passion that he brings up almost as much as you bring up the series.
4. You wear blue because you know Edward is very "partial" to that color.
5. Wolves don't scare you anymore because after all, they're really Quileute boys. :)
6. You break up with your boyfriend because he doesn't glitter in the sun like Edward does.
7. Every Tuesday, you rush home to go online - TWILIGHT TUESDAYS!
8. Almost every conversation you have with your friends leads back to the ever lasting Edward vs Jacob debate.
9. You ask your boyfriend to dye his hair “bronze" and make it look "windswept."
10. When you see anything amber, the first thing you think of is Edward - his eyes!
11. Piano playing is hot because Edward plays. :)
12. Going to the bathroom for any reason is now called having a "human moment."
13. Your teacher yells at you for talking when you were discussing how hot Edward is with you friend who is also obsessed with The Twilight series.
14. You and your also obsessed friend talk about how hot Edward is so much that a boy in your class hears and asks who Edward is and you reply "He's only the hottest man on earth" then add "Well, not exactly, but he is very close" trying not to say that Edward is a vampire.
15. You cry because you don't have an Edward in your life.
16. You stop asking to go to the beach on vacation, and instead ask to visit Denali to look for Tanya and the Cullens.
17. You get so excited when you see somebody else reading it, you have to talk to them even if you don't know them.
18. You get so mad at Edward for not just changing her into a vampire already you slam the book shut and throw it on the ground.
19. You then have to pick it up again seconds later, just to finish the epilogue.
20. When you get all freaked and worked up cause your substitutes name is Mrs. Cullen and wonder is she has a son or relative named Edward.
21. Your parents make you angry by trying to change Edward's name to Eddy or the Edmister
22. You're counting down the days til the movie comes out.
23. And you're counting down the days til Breaking Dawn comes out.
24. When Edward left in New Moon, you cried.
25. Because of Edward, your expectations for boys are so high that no one simply appeals to you anymore.
26. You want your boyfriend to speak to you in a "velvety voice."
27. You don't talk at lunch because you are too busy re-reading for the 9th time.
28. You love Edward more than your boyfriend.
29. Twilight has ruined any and all future reading for you.
30. You dyed your hair brown, to look more like Bella, so that Edward will fall in love with you - he said he prefers brunettes!
31. The back of your notebook cover is absolutely covered in quotes from Twilight and you are upset because you cannot continue on the inside of the cover because the pencil won't show up.
32. You no longer sleep on a normal pillow, but on one that has arms because it sort of feels like Edward holding you.
33. On the back of your music for chorus, you create acrostic poems for Edward Cullen
34. Your friend (who hasn't read the books) knows enough about Edward that when you are stuck for the second "D" she gives you the word dangerous.
35. When your grandmother came to visit, you read her all of Twilight out loud in 6 days.
36. When playing luck games or games with dice, before rolling or spinning you say, "I am betting on Alice."
37. You have posters of a red and white flower, a red ribbon, hands holding an apple, and a drawing of Edward and Bella taped to the side of your dresser.
38. Your wedding ring HAS to be like the one Edward gave Bella.
39. You own t-shirts from Twilight
40. You wore a tight fitting black turtleneck to school and when your friend asked why you were so happy and why you liked it so much you said it was because it made you feel "vampirey"
41. You wish you could be a vampire on a daily basis.
42. When your boyfriend dumps you, you are okay with it because now you can focus on Edward.
43. When your father asks you what you are doing when you go upstairs to read, you say you are "going to spend some time with Edward."
44. When you see a russet wolf, you immediately think of Jacob and the Quileute boys.
45. When you hear a wolf howl, you think of werewolves.
46. You try to control your thoughts because Edward might hear them.
47. Someone asks you what you want for Christmas and you reply, "Edward Cullen please!"
48.You're on a walk and you notice that your hands are kind of white and grin but when they return to regular color you feel like crying.
49. You're in the car and stare out the window looking for a silver Volvo or an old red truck (maybe even a yellow Porsche or a red BMW convertible).
50. Your cousins get mad at you every time you see them because you won't stop talking about the Twilight series.
51. Every night you wonder what Edward is doing and then get sad because you know that he is with Bella.
52. You believe vampires exist, and that Twilight is real.
53. You have categorized your friends into Twilight characters, replacing everyone but Edward (Face it: No one but Edward can be like Edward).
54. You've made several of your friends Twilight fans.
55. You describe Edward, Jasper, and Emmett to your cousins and ask them which one they would actually date.
56. Your cousins ask you to describe what your 'dream date' looks like in you mind you describe Edward and then add that Edward isn't your dream date, he's your future husband.
57. Your favorite font on your computer is Edwardian Script.
58. You go to a relative’s house for the holidays, only to refuse to socialize until you have finished the book in the series you are on.
59. You have all of the playlists from on your iPod.
60. When you see a box labeled "Forks" at a restaurant you think there's something imported from Forks, Washington in there.
61. You want to hear Edward's melody - oh wait, you can already hear it as you fall asleep every night, in your mind.
62. Your mom calls Edward Anthony and you won't speak to her for 3 days.
63. Your mom has to remind you that the book is fiction.
64. But you still think it's real.
65. Your mom takes away your books.
66. She grounds you from all things vampire
67. But it's okay. You just go borrow your friends'.
68. You get sick at the sight of human blood.
69. You and your boyfriend (who's is kinda jealous of Edward) plan a trip to Forks, Washington, hoping that there will be an Edward there for you.
70. Your screenname has something to do with the series.
71. You change your last name to "Cullen" or "Black" or "Hale."
72. You have gotten your teachers reading the Twilight series, and saying Edward's hot - and all your teachers are married!
73. You decide to try to get rid of your obsession and find it IMPOSSIBLE.
74. You appreciate classical music and Debussy now, because Edward does too.
75. When you notice a canary yellow Porsche, which make happens to be a 911 turbo you go into hysterics and the people in the car with you just stare at you.
76. You just spent 20 minutes compiling this list at a crazy hour in the night...and you don't care that you're becoming sleep deprived because...
Reply:you know you're obessed with twilight when you want a husband who shines like a diamond
Reply:You know you're obsessed with Twilight when you're sitting there talking to your best friend and you accidently call her Bella.
Haha my friend started bursting out laughing when I accidently called her that.
Reply:I can only think of one and that is you start comparing other guys to Edward
which is like..almost impossible. lol
Reply:1. when you would rather be reading than doing anything else.
2. when you take it to the bathroom with you
3. when you almost break up with your boyfriend because he isn't Edward
4.when you look at cars on the street and think, "Hey! that's Edwards car!"
5. when you wish to be a vampire so you can run through trees and shine
6. when you put the book in a plastic bag so you can read in the shower.
7. when you make other people get their own books and don't let them borrow yours
8. when you have an AP Government test to be studying for, but instead its three a.m. and you are still reading twilight!
9. when you see the movie trailer and a tear come to your eye
10. when you bawl in the second book because Edward leaves Bella
11. and then when you read the last page of the second book just to know that he does come back!
12. when you read anything that has the word twilight in it!
Bella notices Edwards mean look in the lab (cause of her wonderful smelling blood)
The way Bella refuses to do anything normal (like go to prom!!! with a gorgeous date!!)
When Edward comes out into the light and Bella realizes he'd made out of diamonds! (sort of)
+New Moon+
Opening with Bella being an old foogie and Edward 's still a sexy beast!!
(part i hated) Edward leaving
(part that made me go awww) Bella laying on the dirt ground for hours after Edward has left.
(another awww) November.....December......January......
Realizing what Alice thought when she saw Bella fling herself off of a CLIFF
(made me laugh) Thinking about the funny faces Edward %26amp; Alice %26amp; Jacob have when they smell eachother
When Bella keeps saying that she is either dead or dreaming when she FINALLLY sees Edward again
Charlies yelling fit when he sees jacobs little surprise (the motorcycles)
Jacobs poor letter with alll those crossouts
Bella punching Jacob and breaking her hand!
When Victoria is finally killed (Ding Dong The ***** Is Dead)
(Funny) how upset Alice gets over Bella and Edward eloping
When Edward is seeing all Jacobs dirty thoughts about Bella
Reply:You know you're twilight obsessed...
1.) when you hear a thunder storm adn think vampires are playign baseball
2.)When you ask an albino if they could bite you so you can turn into a vampire
3.)When you dump you're boyfriend for edward
4."When you see the word Forks and think its imported from Forks, Washington
5.)When you call the twilight books your bibles
6.) When you have to hide your thoughts from Edward
7.) When you talk about Twilight to your friends and they have no idea what you're talking about
8.) When every love song has a relation to Twiligh
9.) When your friends read Twilight just to knwo what you're talkign about
10.) When every conversation you have is about Twilight
11.) When you put on vampire make-up to buy the book or see the movie
12.) When you see someone named Culen and ask them if they have a relation to Edward
13.) If you go up to random people and talk about Twilight
14.) When you make your boyfriend die his hair the color of Edwards
15.) When you can read teh book with your eyes closed
16.) When everything you own has quotes from twilight written all over it.
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