I wrote the book but how do i publish it?And how do i get an agent?
How do you publish a book?
i dont know about the agent part, but try loooking on google for publishing companies. or if you have tons of books that you seem they are great, look through them, and it should tell u the publishing company name. and just try to find there website through google.
How do you publish a book?
Here's one of my previous answers, perhaps it will help.
Publishing can be a grueling process... though it really depends. If you're a first-timer it may end up being harder than say a writer who's written at least 1-2 books.
1. Make a list or find out which publisher you plan on using.
2. Write a query letter. (Information provided in link 1#)
3. Hire an Agent (Optional, though makes your job a lot easier) (Information provided in link 2#)
4. Be patient, once you've gotten a publisher you need to wait for a response, considering all the possible query letters waiting for review it may take time. Don't give up hope though. Perseverance! If one publisher denies you, try another.
Or perhaps edit your story, there's always room for improvement.
Good Luck publishing!
I've asked a few publishing/writing related questions perhaps they may help answer your question further. Each or placed in a specific category:
Regarding the income of a writer:
Regarding Publishers:
Regarding Story Length:
I hope this helps, and once again Good Luck!
Reply:In answer to your question, I know how to publish a book. Look up ( publish ) in a dictionary. Now back to your question, do you want to pay someone to publish your book or do you want to publish it your self. I guess ever one have forgotten the multimedia computer. You get a lists of publisher and send copy, called manuscript to them, and wait for then to call you. If they think it is a good book, they may absorb the cost and pay you a royalty. If not they will give a cost to print you book, and distribute it.
Or you can print it out your self and sell it on-line, being what is called a self publish. There are some book out there, that tells what publish want and what they buy, but I have long ago forgot the names of them. check with a local library, for them
Reply:I highly recommend the book, "How to Write a Children's Book and Get It Published" by Barbara Seuling. Even if your book is not for children, she gives plenty of helpful advice to the new author on how to submit manuscripts and what Publishers are looking for.
You can also find more books about publishing on Amazon.com.
www.lulu.com is a helpful website for self publishing, although if you go through a Publishing Company, they will do EVERYTHING, which is a huge blessing.
An agent really is not necessary, and an expense you might want to do without.
Reply:Get yourself a copy of "Literary Marketplace 2009" when it comes out this August, It's got agents, editors, publishers..... you name it. Just make sure you go after agents, etc that handle the genre you write. For example, if you send a romance novel to a publishing house that only does textbooks, they won't even read it. Make sure you send your novel to the right people. Good luck.
Reply:This has cropped up several times. As a new author you have to live by the maxim to be not "As Good As" your favourite published authors. You have to be better!
The problem is, publishing houses will always go for the safe bet. They're in it to make money, not make you famous. They have a limited number of books they will publish each year. If yours isn't outstanding, I'm afraid you'll not get in, they'll reach for one of their stable of established authors.
To achieve this, you must first of all make sure your manuscript is as good as it can possibly be.
Be absolutely certain you've tied all loose ends and make sure you've followed industry standards for presentation (check the hints and tips of my blog http://ajbarnett-story.blogspot.com )
Edit out ALL unnecessary pronouns and adverbs - nothing screams amateur more than overblown descriptions. Most new writers feel they need to give full descriptions of everything in the book. DON'T. Sometimes what's left out says more than what's in....
When you've cut, cut, and cut; when you've polished it until it glistens, write a short query letter to your chosen publisher. Explain any experience you may have, the genre of the work, the word-count, and present a VERY short synopsis of about 100 words (see book blurbs for examples). Only present a full synopsis IF the publishing house asks you to submit the first three chapters.
In terms of an agent - it's almost as difficult to gain acceptance with a reputable agent as a publishing house. You must go through the same process. You'll find lists of reputable agents and publishers in several trade oriented books such as Writers and Artist's Yearbook.
I wish you well with your project.
Anthony James Barnett - author of WITHOUT REPROACH
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