
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Please Help Me Finish My Book!!!?

ok my book is about a girl who is being physically abused, but her friends have been trying to figure out why she was acting strange, they tried confronting her, talking to her, giving her and intervention, but nothing worked, one day the person who is beating her up knocked her out and her friends came into her house looking for her and found her on the floor passed out...

(this isnt a good summary, but im not the best at writing summaries.:)

what should happen to end the book/??ive been stuck with this for such a long time! help is needed! thank you sooooo much :D
Please Help Me Finish My Book!!!?
well that depends, are you writing a sequel? i'll finish my answer if you tell me
Please Help Me Finish My Book!!!?
Have the friends set up a camera in her room or some other place where she's hit and she doesn't know about it. Then when her abuser hits her, the friends get the tape and make him move away/tell the police.
Reply:He gets arrested and put in jail. The end.
Reply:Kill her off. I love books with sad endings.
Reply:Something that's helped me is to actually act out the parts of the characters to see what they would do. Only you can finish this, and only you know your characters. Try doing this when no one's around to distract you, or to see you do funny things, hehe.
Reply:make it dramatic. have her die of her wounds, but her friends get the police about her abuser. he/she goes to jail, and their spouse/whatever is safe again. life goes on, and the balance is restored. thats how al the ancient classics go
Reply:Well first... is it a genre novel? Literary? Second, your little summary reads like a paragraph describing your first chapter. And because it's on such a common subject, you will need clever twists and turns.

Also, however it ends, it should be like a slow slide down a hill -- tying up all the loose ends -- and never leave it one of those "let-the-reader-decide" endings. Readers HATE endings. However you DO end it, make sure the good guy/girl wins in the end. Don't just have her get a divorce, that's too lame. If you are having problems, think about WHERE you want your characters to end up. Once you know that, you'll have an ending. Good luck.
Reply:This girl is going to be rescued by dss or the authorties. The police are going to take the people to jail.
Reply:I don't think you should use anyone's on here answers because then they won't truly be your ideas.

It Jobs

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