
Sunday, October 11, 2009

I need help?

i have alot of stories in my head that i would like to trun into a book or somekind, but i'm really not a very good wrighter, any tips on fixing that?
I need help?
You could hook up with someone who is a good writer and co-author something. Work with them to get your ideas on paper in a coherent and intelligent way that presents the stories you have in your head while making them interesting and understandable to the audience.
I need help?
I hear the best way to become a writer is to write. Kurt Vonnegut said that anyone can be a writer, there is nothing innate about it. Just start writing stuff down, eventually you will develop a voice and be able to pick the good from the bad.

Good luck.
Reply:These might be good places to start:

If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland

Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
Reply:Make a consept and hire a writer!
Reply:Try a ghostwriter. They write your stories and don't take the credit. Many celebrities use them for their autobiographies and the like.
Reply:Writing is all about telling a story, of getting the reader to see something through the eyes of your characters that they might have never seen before. If you have a good story, that is the first battle, then you need to tell it in a way that clenches the reader. Most books on "how to write" are utterly useless; if you follow their advice your writing will become generic and boring. The best authors are ones who write in their own unique style, whatever that is.

To learn how to write you need to write. There are many books around that offer suggestions for writing practice exercises, they will give you topics to write about.

Another good thing to do is join a writing group. If there's none around, start one. Get a group of peers that meets once or twice a month in which you share your writing and give feedback. With the right group you will really grow.

Write a journal, write music, just write and eventually you will start having documents you are proud of.
Reply:but how do you know that you can't write?

you could pick up 10 books by 10 different authors and each will have their own writing style

you'll never get those thoughts on paper if you don't take a chance

you have nothing to lose

and if its spelling or grammar that you're worried about - that's what spellcheck is for
Reply:Write. As you keep writing, you'll improve. And when you read books try to pick up tips on spelling, grammar, sentence structure and the like.

I've got the opposite problem. I can write but I don't have any brilliant ideas.

Wanna work together?


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